Thursday, May 3, 2012

Doing the Freebie happy dance!!!

Hi Freebie Hunters!

First...just a reminder that this is the National Day of Prayer (not that we shouldn't be praying every day (without ceasing as the Bible says), but today especially we need to lift up our Country and it's Leaders in prayer. We should be very thankful we live in a FREE country and we can FREELY read our Bible in public and attend the church of our choice.  We are very blessed!

I'm having a great day today!  I just scored another FREE pair of Old Navy flip-flops...using the Old Navy app on my Iphone.  (also got another $5 off coupon).

 I also got some great surprises in my mailbox today...

I got my FREE coupon for Organic Valley flavored 1/2 & 1/2 from entering codes off of yogurt lids on the Stonyfield Farms website rewards program.  I love that creamer by the way...the hazel nut is awesome!  None of those bad chemicals and additives in the other coffee creamers.  

I got my FREE coupon for any Frito-Lay product (plus a $1 off and .55 off).  I received this because we purchased some of the Tostitos restaurant style salsa and it was literally like water with a few pieces in it.  I was afraid it was bad.  I called the company and they apologized and sent me the coupons.  (Good tip...if you ever have an issue with a product, don't hesitate to call the will at the very least get a coupon to replace your product).

Finally, I got a sample of the new Fructis Triple Nutrition Shampoo and Conditioner.

Old Navy Flip-Flops...FREE!
Organic Valley 1/2 & 1/2...FREE!
Frito-Lay product...FREE!
Fructis sample...FREE!

Not a bad day so far!  And we are having FREE Domino's Artisan pizza for dinner tonight!

I want to hear what you got free today...comment below and let me know!  (hey that rhymed lol!).


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