Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm back! Wow...so many freebies so little time!

Hello and Welcome Back FFH's (fellow freebie hunters)!

I'm sorry it's been so long since I shared my freebies with you.  It started with being busy at church with VBS week, then snow-balled because I had so many things to post I got overwhelmed and my procrastinator tendencies came out in full force lol!

But I decided to bite the bullet and just jump in with both feet and start posting.  I figured I'll probably miss some things, because I can't possibly remember everything I got free in the last several weeks, and of course disorganized me didn't keep a list!  But it's better than nothing, so here goes.  (Keep in mind these may not appear in the order received, and some photos will contain things that aren't free...but I'll tell you below the photo which things were totally free.)

 O.k., so rather then individually list all the items in the photos above, I'll just let you look through the pictures yourselves.  These are all the free samples and coupons I got in the mail over the last few weeks.  Again, there may be a few I forgot to photograph, and if I remember them, I'll add them later.  I may also list them out later, but if I wait to do that, I'll never update my blog lol!

 Here is a great deal I got...actually on some Venus razors and a cartridge and two Olay Body washes.  I actually got others really cheap...but above is pictured what I actually got free!  These run around $13 a razor and $18 for cartridges and $7.99 for Olay body wash.  So I was very excited to get it all FREE!  I won't go into the coupons used etc. since the deal is passed.  But if you go to my past post about which Facebook pages to like, I'm sure you heard about the deal from those coupon experts!

What a blessing Old Navy Snap Appy has been!  We have gotten so many free flip flops and shirts and coffee cups and misc. candy and goodies!  Not pictured, I also got a Snap 10 one week and bought a $10 top to go with a skirt I had.  I also used 2 snap 5's I had last weekend to get a friend some flip flops at the $1 flip flop sale (what a mad house!!!), and another shirt for my son and another candy bar.  For some reason the app hasn't been working lately.  I hope they get it fixed soon!

Here is some toothpaste and whitening floss I got for free at Walgreen's.  I think I'm all set on floss and toothpaste for awhile!  (you'll see what I mean in the photo further down).

 Above are a few items I got FREE at CVS one week.  I had two coupons for the free Good 'n Natural bars (which I hate by the way, but got them and gave them to a friend).  The electrolyte drink was also free.  Says for use to help with hang overs...but has good ingredients for hydration, so even though I don't drink alcohol I decided to get it.

 I also won a free Marker from the Bic Facebook page.  I'm pretty sure it's still going on (as of 7/3/12) if you go to the page, "like" the page and go to the Mark-It tab.  If you don't get a free one you can get a coupon.

 Got some more awesome snacks from LesserEvil Snacks.  I also won a pair of LE sunglasses the other day but haven't gotten them yet.  I've gotten two shirts from them also (not sure if I posted a pic of the second one.  Go to their FB page and "like" it, and follow their contests to win free things too!   Love LE snacks!

I got two of these blood glucouse meters a couple of weeks ago at CVS when they were free!  They were on sale for $9.99 and printed a $9.99 ECB!  Even better there is a rebate offer!  Great items to donate!!!

This is one of the pictures I was telling you about that has some things in it that were great deals...but not totally free.  The only totally free things in this picture are:  The Accu meter, the Michum Deodorant, the eye pencil and one of the toothbrushes.  

The free things in the above photo are the Sally Hansen nail files, buffers, separators, etc., the floss, the Cutter citronella candle and the Lysol toilet bowl cleaner.  The rest was really cheap!

I know I got a bunch of this free...but rather then break it all down, let me say that it was over $200 retail, over $99 taking into account the sale prices, and after the ECB's (extra care bucks, CVS $), and gas cards i got back, my net cost was under $11!  Run to CVS before Wed. (7/4/12) for the great deals on Physician's formula.  Also the little blue nivea cream tins are free (I got 4 altogether...limit 4 per card), they are .99 and you get $2 ECB back!).  

Finally my Walmart haul yesterday.  The floss was not only free it was a .03 MM (money maker), and the two Gum periodontal rinse were free.  The fly paper was also free.  The rest was really cheap!

Whew!  So that should about catch us up to today!  If I remember anything I'll add it to the next post.

I hope you all had a lot of freebies the last few weeks too!  I missed sharing with all of you!  Have a great 4th!




  1. Whew, just reading this wiped me out!!! Great job Barb!!! There is never any need to wonder what you dream about at night!!! Lol

  2. HA! And I've already found things I forgot to post!
