Thursday, July 5, 2012

CVS & Walgreen's Freebie trips!

Hello FFH's,

I hope you all had a great 4th of July!  I spent a very quiet one at my parents house with my daughter and our dog Snuggles who is petrified of firecrackers and fireworks.  While there I ran out to the Publix down the street from my parents and did a last minute deal on some napkins and Mayo before the sale was over today.

 I actually got 2 jars of Mayo and 2 packs of napkins but since only one of each was totally FREE, I didn't picture them.  (But I have to tell you I only paid .26 for the Mayo and .19 for the Napkins with store and manufacturers coupons stacked with the BOGO sale!).

I got 2 more Mitchum Deodorant free at Walgreen's today.  The sale is still good until Sat.  They are on sale for 2/$6 and there is a $1/1 printable coupon (was on a couple of weeks ago, not sure if it's available anymore).  You buy 2, use 2 $1/1 coupons and pay $4.  Then you get back $4RR (RR=register rewards which is Walgreen's cash).  I had a previous $4RR from a Kellogg's cereal deal at Walgreen's so I didn't even have to pay out of pocket except the few cents for the filler item (a .33 caramel).  (See Walgreen's info on for more details on their weird coupon policy).  The Cortaid was free at CVS with the Free Cortaid coupon I happen to get spit out of the Red Machine when I scanned my card a few days ago.  The Ivory Soap was Free with a $1/1 Ivory soap coupon from last Sunday's P&G insert.  It was on sale at Walgreen's for .99!  Finally, the One Step Scrubbing Bubbles toilet bowl cleaner was part of a deal I did at Walgreen's.  (Buy 3 participating cleaning items get back $2RR.  Plus of course I had coupons!).  One of my coupons was a buy one get one free it was free!


Hellmann's Mayo...FREE!
Chinet Napkin's...FREE!
Scrubbing Bubbles Once Step re-fill...FREE!
2 -  Mitchum Deodorant...FREE!
2 - 3 Packs of Ivory Soap...FREE!
Cortaid Itch Cream...FREE!

So not a bad day of shopping!  Hope yours was good too.


1 comment:

  1. How do you know how to do all this? You must teach me!
